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PGN files of games played on fishtest

The fishtest server stores the PGN files of played games, but only for a limited time: a day for STC tests and ten days for LTC tests.

PGN files can be downloaded from each individual test page by either clicking on the link in the Idx column for the task overview. This will download a PGN file with the games for this particular task. A PGN file with all the games for a test can be downloaded by clicking on the Download games button in the Actions panel on the right. This uses the run_pgns API of the fishtest server, which is also available at<test-Id>.pgn.gz, where <test-Id> is the SHA of the individual test. A convenient way to bulk-download many PGN files at once is provided by the script from the WDL Model repo.

Note that games from tuning tests are generally NOT stored and that PGN files for a task become only available once the task is completed by the worker. If you try to download a nonexistent file you will get a 404-error.

LTC games from May 2018 onwards are available from this Hugging Face repo. The direct download link for a particular test is<test-Id>/<test-Id>.pgn.gz, where YY-MM-DD is the day the test started, as stated under start time on the individual test page. The Hugging Face repo also includes the legacy PGN files curated by Tom Vijlbrief and offered for download on his Google drive here and here.