Download Stockfish
Stockfish is a command line program. You may want to use it in your own UCI-compatible chess GUI.
Developers should communicate with Stockfish via the UCI protocol.
Get started
- First download Stockfish. Stockfish itself is completely free with all its options.
- Next, download a GUI (Graphical User Interface) as it is needed to conveniently use Stockfish. There are multiple free and commercial GUIs available. Different GUI's have more or less advanced features, for example, an opening explorer or automatic game analysis.
- Now Stockfish must be made available to the GUI. Install in a Chess GUI explains how this can be done for some of them. If a different GUI is used, please read the GUI's manual.
- Ultimately, change the default settings of Stockfish to get the best possible analysis.
Official downloads
Latest release
Latest development build
We only recommend downloading from the official GitHub releases.
Websites such as Abrok are third parties, so we cannot guarantee the safety, reliability, and availability of those binaries because we are not responsible for them.
Choose a binary
In order of preference:
- x86-64-vnni512
- x86-64-vnni256
- x86-64-avx512
- AMD Zen 4+
- x86-64-bmi2
- Intel (2013+) and AMD Zen 3+
- x86-64-avx2
- Intel (2013+) and AMD (2015+)
- x86-64-sse41-popcnt
- Intel (2008+) and AMD (2011+)
- x86-64
Download a Chess GUI
A chess graphical user interface allows you to interact with the engine in a user-friendly way. Popular GUIs are:
DroidFish (source code) | SmallFish |
Chessis | |
Chessbase | Hiarcs |
Shredder | |
If you don't want to download a GUI, you can also use some of the available online interfaces. Keep in mind that you might not get the latest version of Stockfish, settings might be limited and speed will be slower.
Lichess Change settings | Change settings |
ChessMonitor | Chessify |
DecodeChess | |
Install in a Chess GUI
En Croissant
Engines tab > Add new > Install Stockfish
Engines > Install New Engine...
Select and open the Stockfish executable
Engine > Choose engine...
Select and open the Stockfish executable
Lichess Local Engine
Log in with Lichess
Click the Install Stockfish button
Go to the Lichess analysis page
Select the engine from the engine list
Stockfish is already bundled with jose. To enable it for play and analysis do:
- Edit > Options (F9)
- select the 'Engine' tab
- select Stockfish in the list of engines
- below, you can edit all the engine parameters
Change settings
Please check our FAQ guide to set the optimal settings.
First uncheck these two settings
Right click in the engine name > Configure
Open the Engine menu
En Croissant
Select Stockfish in the engines tab
or open the engine settings in the Analysis board
Open the engine settings
Click the settings button in the analysis page